After publicly announcing our leash reactivity class, we have received a lot of inquiries about the topic.
What is leash reactivity?
This is a umbrella term used in dog training to describe a series of behaviors a dog may exhibit while on lead. This includes but is not limited to: lunging, barking, growling, jumping and vocalizing.
Dogs can be reactive to just about anything that you come across on your walks. Most commonly pet parents struggle with managing dogs that display these behaviors when they see another dog approaching. There are many reasons why a dog may become leash reactive. In our class, we will address the underlying causes for reactivity and give owners a better understanding of how to properly work with their dog to decrease these types of behaviors.
Click the image below for an in-depth article about the causes of leash reactivity written by Tom Mitchell. Tom is a veterinarian, clinical behaviorist and companion and sports dog trainer, providing a unique perspective on all things dog.