Name: Preston
Gender: Male
Estimated Date of Birth: April 26, 2014
Size: 54 lbs
Color: Brown and white
Hi, I’m Preston!
I am so happy to report that Preston has found his forever home with me! He’s my first ‘official’ CDT dog and my family couldn’t be happier!
I am a handsome boy looking for my forever home! I love toys, attention, car rides and going new places. I am looking for a home where I can be the star of the show and the center of attention. I currently have 3 canine foster siblings but sometimes it’s a little too much for me. I might be okay with one calm canine sibling, but would prefer to be an only fur child. Oh, and absolutely no cats.
I was on the rescue only list at the shelter because I was heart worm positive and an intact male with a bad back leg/hip. That means not only was I an expensive dog to save (current estimate $4k), but I had months of medical recovery and rehabilitation ahead of me. Thanks to Casa del Toro for giving me the chance to live a life pain free. I am happy to say that after several months of medical treatment and recovery I am healthy, heart worm free and recovering from my back leg/hip surgery. I am currently walking up to a mile and only getting better! If you’re worried about how my surgery will affect me in the long term, don’t! I’m happy and healthy and won’t require any special long term care.
Casa Del Toro is still raising money to help pay my vet bills so please click the donate button and give today!
Preston and foster siblings. May 2018
My medical journey started with heart worms treatment. Heart worms are transmitted by mosquitoes and in Indiana dogs should be given heart worm preventative monthly year around. Heart worm treatment takes about six months to complete. My foster mom started me on a heart worm preventative, then I went to the vet for a shot and stay overnight for observation. After I was released from the hospital I had a solid month of crate rest and leash walk only, because this is the most dangerous time in the recovery. Basically my foster mom said the shot that they gave me kills the actual worms in my blood (-gross). Since the blood doesn't have the ability to filter debris out, the worm carcasses float around in my blood stream until they are re absorbed in the body (-okay that sounds kind of cool again). So the largest danger during this first month post treatment was the chance of a clot forming and causing a heart attack or stroke (-yikes). Luckily with crate rest and restricted physical I made a full recovery and I am heart-worm FREE!
Side saddle sit and scar on leg
Once I was medically cleared to be able to go under anesthesia I was be scheduled for a neuter. During one of my vet exams the vet investigated the scar down my back leg. X-rays show that I was probably hit by a car and didn't receive medical treatment. So, either one of my testicles didn't drop or part of my car accident injury affected my testicles (since it appeared I only had one). This caused me to have a little more complicated neuter surgery but I did make a full recovery.
After I was heart worm negative and neutered we had time to figure out a game plan for my rear left leg. I hurt it a while ago and Casa del Toro had to determine the scope of damage. Physically, I didn’t like to use that leg. I would limp or 'side saddle' sit to avoid putting weight on it so I has muscle atrophy. You can still see a large healed scar my on caudal quadriceps. The vet said I needed FHO surgery like my friend Benny.
We scheduled my FHO surgery on October 24th. The surgery went great and I got a lot of love and snuggles afterward. After a lot of rest, peanut butter kongs, recuperation and some physical therapy I am in so much less pain! I can now put more weight on my leg and I am much more comfortable doing day to day activities like licking my bum, playing with tennis balls or sniffing around the yard.
It has been a long few months, but I have come a long way and made a full recovery! Now all I need is a family to love and spoil me forever. Woof Woof!
June 8, 2018
This guy spent the whole day at the vet yesterday for observation as he started his heart worm treatment. Doing well, no coughing, and very tired.
June 19, 2018
Oh my gosh I got a bed in the mail today! Thank you so much for donating towards this item off his wishlist it will definitely help his recovery. This will be so nice as he recovers from heart worms and eventually his leg surgery. As you can see, he already loves it!
July 2, 2018
I'm getting out and about for the last couple of chances before I start heart worm treatment. I loved seeing everyone at the Get Lit For Pits fundraiser and adoption event this past weekend.
July 12, 2018
I went in this morning for my first heart worm injection. I’m going to spend the whole day at the vet so they can make sure there are no complications. I see lots of sleep in my future! I had no complications today after getting my first heart worm treatment shot. I didn’t like that at all and my back is a little sore from the shot but the ladies at the vet office gave me pets and loves all day long! They told me I was such a good boy...I know. I’m glad to be out of the vet office and relaxing in my foster home. Today was exhausting!
July 17, 2018
It’s almost been a week since my shot and I’m doing ok. I haven’t been feeling the greatest and don’t feel like doing anything. I’m not coughing at all but it doesn’t take much for me to get out of breath! I’m doing the best I can to just relax. Luckily it’s summer and that is what summer is for.
August 26, 2018
It’s been about two weeks since I received my last two heart worm treatment injections. I felt terrible for a few days but am feeling much better now. I visit the vet again in a couple of weeks for another check up. I’m still taking my meds everyday and trying not to run around too much. I can’t wait until I can run around again!
September 25, 2018
I am happy to announce that I am officially heart worm free! Woo hoo - I feel like super dog!! Thanks to everyone who donated, bought me toys & sent well wishes!
October 4, 2018
I’m healthy enough to have my surgeries. I am schedule for FHO surgery and my neuter on October 24th. We’ve started another fundraiser for my surgeries since they will be expensive, but you know I’m worth it! They tell me that my surgery won’t cause any long-term problems or require any special treatment/follow-ups so I’m really looking forward to not living in constant pain anymore.
October 14, 2018
Thank you for supporting Preston through his medical journey. He loves receiving surprises in the mail!
October 23, 2018
Playing and lounging in the backyard one more time before the big day. Preston goes in for leg surgery and neuter tomorrow. Wish him luck and a quick recovery!
October 24, 2018
Surgery went well, I’m going to be staying overnight. I just can’t wait to get home, snuggle and sleep! Thanks everyone!
October 25, 2018
Preston is resting comfortably at his foster home post-op! His foster family says: “Lots of peanut butter kongs in his future!”
October 26, 2018
"Look how well my incision looks for only 2 days post-op! I know I have a long road of recovery ahead of me but thanks to Cuddly, Casa del Toro Rescue & my foster parents I know I can do it! Thank you for donating & sending me goodies on my wish list!" -Adoptabull Preston!
Just keeping an eye on my foster mom! I'm doing pretty well recovering from surgery! Although I could use some more peanut butter Kong's! ;) -Adoptabull Preston
October 31, 2018
No trick or treating for me tonight. Just rest, scary movies & snuggles with my foster parents! Thank you for continuing to support my fundraiser!
November 2, 2018
Preston is doing well and got all of his staples removed today! Vet said he is looking good and has another follow up in two weeks. Still no running, jumping or playing for a while though. He also got a present in the mail today. Today is a good day!
November 4, 2018
Did you know it's a scientific fact that presents make the healing process go by faster?! Well, I don't know if that's really true but it sure helps me feel better! I want to say thank you for sending me those yummy treats on my wish list!
November 8, 2018
Hello from Preston! I’m doing well and healing nicely from my FHO surgery! I’m walking around fairly well and only hopping on three legs occasionally!
November 11, 2108
My foster parents are helping me recover from my surgery & making sure I walk on my leg. I was so used to limping that it’s taking a little getting used to I must admit. But I know I can do it! Once I’m recovered I can’t wait to find my forever family! I know they’re out there somewhere!! -Adoptabull Preston
November 15, 2018
TBT to my very first bath after having my freedom ride from the shelter! I was so excited, scared & nervous all at the same time! My life is much better now! I’m recovering from surgery in my cozy foster home while I search for my forever family! -Adoptabull Preston
November 23, 2018
I’m very thankful for my foster family......& their comfy sofa!