Congratulations to this lovely lady Quinn she is home at last. We rescued Quinn and her litter of puppies from the Indianapolis shelter in December 2013. Quinn's puppies were all adopted and so was she but she came back.
In May 2014 Quinn came back to our rescue because her family was moving. We just love this energetic gal and can't wait to help her find her perfect match! Quinn is moderately active and will require a household that is experienced with pit bulls. She's so amazing she has her own Facebook page - Love Always, Quinn where you can watch her Dock Diving progress.

Forever home
Quinn is home at last with the Wheeler family and Bella.

Thank you White Daffodil Photography for the shoot!
Quinn Swimming
Source – http://youtu.be/VDsrQb6iQEY

Sun bathing
Thank you White Daffodil Photography

Thank you White Daffodil Photography

Thank you White Daffodil Photography

Sitting pretty
Thank you The Animal Den!

Lovely Mamma

Here is Quinn and four of her puppies that we rescued from the Indianapolis shelter in December 2013

Head shot
Quinn has the classic pit bull head shape!

Pretty in Pink

For Mother's Day

Quinn knows how to stay warm

Quinn at Paws Stop adoption event
February 2015

Theia & Quinn
Quinn and her foster sister Thei

At the Paws Stop Meet & Greet on 2/15/15