Lucy's foster family has notified us that she is going to be staying forever! We are so happy for this little lady as she continues to recover from her leg surgery!
Name: Lucy
Gender: Female
Estimate Date of Birth: 4 months old
Size: 21 lbs
Color: White and tan
Lucy is a four-month-old pit bull puppy that came into the Indianapolis shelter as a emaciated, injured stray. You see something happened to Lucy's rear right leg. It looks like her hip is not properly aligned and as a result her leg is lame. Lucy cannot bear weight on the leg and her kneecap is swollen to about two times the size it should be.
Lucy was on the rescue only list at the shelter (she would not be considered an adoptable dog) because of this injury. So luckily we had a new foster home that was willing to take on this injured pup. We rescued Lucy on Sunday and her consultation with an orthopedic surgeon was yesterday. We are committed to seeing this pup through her surgery, rehabilitation and recovery and are looking for donors to support her surgery costs.
Lucy underwent surgery yesterday. A x-ray confirmed Lucy suffered a broken leg about a month ago and did not receive treatment. So you can see in the x-ray her rear right leg bone re-fused at about a 90-degree angle. This results in Lucy suffering constant pain.
Lucy's surgery will result in the leg being re-broken at the 90-degree angle and set properly. Then Lucy will be kept overnight for observation, put in a cast and sent home to her foster home. She will have 6-8 weeks of activity restrictions during the coldest part of a Midwestern winter.
Thanks to everyone who is helping us afford this live saving surgery. Your support ensures Lucy will a fulfilling pain-free life!
DONATE TODAY towards Lucy's surgery costs.