Name: Emma
Gender: Female
Estimated Date of Birth: 6/11/2011
Size: 68 lbs
Color: White with black spots
Hi I'm Emma! I'm so happy to be settling into my new foster home. I just got fixed two days ago so I'm still sore and sleepy. I met my three canine foster siblings on leash since I'm still recuperating. My foster mom is going to take it nice and slow and give me time to adjust and heal.
I still need to have a rabies vaccine and heart worm test before my foster mom say's I'm fully vetted. She also found a lump in one of my breasts so I'm going to have a check-up soon. Hopefully the lump is just a fatty tumor and not cancerous. I'll know soon for sure and definitely let you guys know.
Thanks everyone that has helped me start this next chapter!
August 2, 2017
We decided not to biopsy the tumor in my breast because there are at least three of them in there. So I'm going to have surgery to have all of my little bumps removed. They found six total! I also have ear infections in both ears, so after I take a round of antibiotics and get better we will schedule my surgery. They say it will only take about 10 days!
August 10, 2017
I had so much fun at The Wigglebutt Doghouse Doggy Daycare. I met so many fur friends and all the people were nice too. I even got an adoption application!!!!!! So keep your paws crossed I may be going to my forever home soon. My surgery is this week. I'm not scared though, because after my surgery I'll be ready to be adopted!
Left side tumor
Back tumor
Leg tumor
Toe tumor
August 20, 2017
I had surgery last week and let me tell ya, that can take a lot out of a gal. I had my six tumors removed and the good new is only 2 tumors were sent off for biopsy. The two tumors that I had on my back revealed mass cells and so my doctor wanted to send them off and see if there's any additional information about what type of cancer. That's why my incision site in the picture looks so bad. They had to remove a margin of good tissue from around the tumor which make the incision sites even bigger. My foster family has been taking such good care of me. They give me cold compresses on my back incisions to comfort me and help the incision site heal.
Right now, I am just on antibiotics and anti-histamines for my surgery recovery. I finally received my histo results. The first mass on very top of my back was a benign tumor of the hair follicle. This was infected which is why the spot was so inflamed.
The second mass on my side was a Grade 2 (low grade) mass cell tumor. Good news - they did not see a lot of cells that were multiplying rapidly, nor tumor cells for blood or lymph systems. So it sounds like the cancer isn't spread throughout her body. Not so good news - they did see a few neoplastic cells on the pieces of tissue that were removed as a margin around the tumor. I think we're going to start prednisone chemo. That is where they will use a high dose steroids to shrink or get rid of the tumor cells. Then my family will just have to keep an eye out for any new lumps or bumps that I have in that area.
September 9, 2017
Wow, having surgery takes a lot out of a gal. I just had surgery this week to remove the area around the cancerous tumor that I had removed two weeks ago. Soon I should get the cancer-free call that I've been waiting for. Right now my vet bill is about $900 for the surgeries, please consider a gift if you can help. I'm feeling better every day and I met my forever family before my second surgery. Hopefully, next weekend I will be going to my forever home.